Pay attention to these points when using a massage gun

Hannah Yu
3 min readMar 2, 2022


The high-tech product of massage gun is no longer high, and has a tendency to go out of the circle. If you sit for a long time in the office, your back is sore, and you need a massage gun; if you bow your head and play with a mobile phone, your shoulders and neck are uncomfortable, and you need a Massage Gun; if you run, climb a mountain, or dance in a square, you can use a massage gun. Overnight, it seemed that everyone started using massage guns. This kind of equipment was only used on professional athletes in the early days, and then entered the field of mass fitness. So, are massage guns any good? how to use?

To understand a massage gun, you must first know what fascia is: Fascia is a dense connective tissue that surrounds muscles, muscle groups, blood vessels, and nerves. It links the muscles and soft tissues together and acts as an intermediary, and the muscles perform contraction movements under the framework of the fascia. Fascia can generally be divided into three categories: the superficial fascia, which is located in the subcutaneous tissue, the deep fascia, which surrounds the surface of the muscle (which the Massage Gun mainly targets), and the visceral fascia.

During exercise, muscles are innervated by nerves. After exercising, some muscles relax, but the nerves are still excited, which may cause the muscles to continue to tense. Minor damage to muscles and fascia may also occur in some high-intensity exercise or fatigue from maintaining a posture for a long time. The Massage Gun acts on the myofascia that covers the surface of the muscles. Under the dual action of physical stimulation and muscle warming, the elasticity and extensibility of the myofascia will increase. The Massage Gun uses this principle to relax the muscles of the body.

Fascia is a spongy tissue, and its own particularity determines that it needs to be relaxed by a sponge shaft or a Massage Gun. The stretching effect alone is not good. Therefore, the Massage Gun is still very practical for some fitness enthusiasts. of.

The Massage Gun needs to be used scientifically, and there are many taboos

So, is the Massage Gun suitable for all ages except for some special groups as stated in the propaganda? It is best not to use it for people with osteoporosis, too thin, and infirm. Skinny people use Massage Guns, which tend to hit the bones. In fact, many parts of the human body are not suitable for using the Massage Gun, such as the head, chest, protruding bone, neck, armpit, knee and popliteal fossa, inner thigh, groin, fingers and toes, etc., especially blood vessels and nerves, and dense lymph nodes. The place.

Which parts can be used? The parts with relatively full muscles are relatively safe and can be hit, such as the front and back of the thigh, the back of the calf, and the buttocks muscles. To play along the human muscle texture and fascia, it is best to use it under the advice of a doctor.

In addition, it is also important to choose the appropriate vibration frequency and pay attention to the duration of use. A Massage Gun between 2000–3000 rpm can produce better results. When using it, you should also pay attention to the time. In theory, you can hit the same place for 1 minute. According to your actual situation, use it within the pain-free range.



Hannah Yu

Xingbu specializes in the design, production and distribution of massage and health products.